(Download Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus)
Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration
Conference Leadership Summit – $7,500* (no longer available)
A series of sessions geared towards senior management attendees. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Leadership Summit sponsored by: ___________”
- Sponsorship of Leadership Summit Breakfast
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- One space in conference Passport
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to present a conference session in the Leadership track (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Video ad to be played during a main session
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
NACCAP Conference Mobile App – $5,000* (one available)
NACCAP Conference Mobile App allows attendees to access conference information and planning tools both before arrival and while on-site. Sponsorship includes:
- Banner ad across top of conference mobile app
- Two custom push messages to attendees (provide push messages to NACCAP staff before the conference)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- One space in conference Passport
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Keynote Address – $5,000* (two available)
Two keynote sessions will take place during the conference. Sponsorship is limited to one session. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Keynote address sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- One space in conference Passport
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Video ad to be played before keynote address
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Excursion Sponsor – $5,000* (one available)
The sponsor’s name will be prominently associated with the conference excursion, which is included with conference registration. This year, the excursion will take place at POST Houston, downtown’s vibrant hub for food, culture and recreation. Attendees can choose from a variety of food options, enjoy the rooftop view, capture memories at the photo booth and enjoy live music from a DJ. The sponsor can work with NACCAP to create brand awareness during the excursion.” Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Excursion sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- One space in conference Passport
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Video ad to be played during a main session
- Shout-out by the DJ
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Mechanical Bull Sponsor – $5,000* (one available)
You can’t hold a conference in Texas without a mechanical bull! This attraction will be the talk of the exhibit hall during the first two days of the conference as attendees challenge each other to see who can ride the longest. Run the competition however you like — with a leaderboard and prizes, or just for fun. The sponsor’s name will appear on all signs around the mechanical bull and on the conference app. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Mechanical Bull sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- One space in conference Passport
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Video ad to be played during a main session
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Coffee Sponsor – $3,000* (no longer available)
Each attendee will receive a coupon for a free coffee or other beverage from the Houston Christian coffee shop, Java City, compliments of the sponsor. The coupon will feature the sponsor’s logo. Sponsorship includes:
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Opening Reception – $3,000* (no longer available)
The sponsor’s name will be associated with the welcome reception on the first evening of the conference and will appear on signage around the reception area. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Welcome Reception sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Session Breaks – $3,000* (no longer available)
The sponsor’s name will be associated with the three refreshment breaks — Thursday morning and afternoon, and Friday morning — and will appear on signage around the break area. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Session Breaks sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Opportunity to briefly promote your brand during each session break
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Conference Notebook – $3,000* (no longer available)
NACCAP’s conference notebook is a journal-style notebook with pages for note-taking. The cover will be co-branded with the sponsor’s logo and the NACCAP logo. Sponsorship includes:
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Registration Sponsor – $3,000* (no longer available)
As the registration sponsor, your logo will be featured prominently on all registration signage, branded bottled water to be handed out at registration and a branded promotional item (provided by you). What a great way to greet the NACCAP attendees as they arrive at the conference. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Registration sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Chick-fil-A Lunch – $3,000* (no longer available)
On Thursday during the conference, attendees will enjoy a Chick-fil-A lunch. The sponsor’s name will be associated with the lunch and included in all advertising and on the app. Additionally, the sponsor’s branding will appear around the lunch serving area. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Chick-fil-A Lunch sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Chair Massage Sponsor – $3,000* (one available)
Enrollment work can be stressful, so we’re bringing massage therapists to provide relaxing chair massages in the exhibit hall. Attendees can sign up for 10-minute sessions throughout the conference. As the sponsor, your name will be featured on all signage near the massage chairs and on the app, and your booth will be conveniently located nearby. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Chair Massages sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Registration Refreshments – $3,000* (no longer available)
Attendees arrive at the conference a little hungry, and they’ll head straight to the exhibit hall for a trail mix snack. We envision branded cups, branded M&M’s, and a selection of pretzels, raisins, peanuts, granola, Chex Mix, and more at the trail mix bar during registration hours. The sponsor’s name will appear on all signage around the registration refreshments, branded items and on the app. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “Registration Refreshments sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Conference Welcome Tote – $3,000* (no longer available)
Attendees will see your logo (and NACCAP’s logo) emblazoned on a welcome tote bag full of conference goodies. Sponsorship includes:
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Attendee Lanyard Sponsorship – $3,000* (no longer available)
Each attendee will receive a lanyard co-branded with the sponsor’s logo and the NACCAP logo. The lanyard color and screen print color will be determined by NACCAP. Sponsorship includes:
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
5K Fun Run – $3,000* (no longer available)
The sponsor’s name will be associated with the fun run and included in all advertising and on the app. In addition, the sponsor will have stage time to promote the 5K and their brand, as well as receive shout-outs from the stage during announcements. The sponsor may also donate a fun run participation item of their choice. Sponsorship includes:
- Text in conference app “5K Fun Run sponsored by: ___________”
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Keynote Book Sponsorship – $3,000* (no longer available)
One book, authored by a conference keynote speaker, will be provided to all attendees. Sponsor has the option to provide a branded bookmark, which will be placed in each book. Sponsorship includes:
- Printed bookmark placed in attendee book
- Booth space in exhibit hall (includes two conference registrations)
- Opportunity to provide marketing piece for welcome bag
- Opportunity to present at one conference session (topic approved by NACCAP staff)
- Contact info of attendees available one week before and after the conference
Senior Leader Session Sponsor – $1,000 (limited availability)
As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to speak for 1-2 minutes, or show a brief video, to senior leader attendees at the session. You may also distribute literature about your organization.
Welcome Tote Item – $500
Each conference attendee will receive a welcome tote. The sponsor will provide a gift item for each bag. Items must be different from other sponsors’ contributions and are estimated at a quantity of 400. All items require NACCAP staff approval.
Attendee Contact Info – $500
List will be available one week before the conference via email to the sponsorship primary contact.
Conference App Push Notification – $500
This option is available to only five sponsors or exhibitors. NACCAP will send one custom push notification on the NACCAP conference app on your behalf on the first or second day of the conference.
Conference Session – $500
We have limited space for vendor sessions, but you are welcome to submit a proposal to present at the conference. If accepted, you will be invoiced $500.
Passport Space – $500
Each attendee will receive a conference passport designed to encourage networking and visits to the exhibit hall. A space in the passport will require attendees to visit your booth as part of a bingo game to be entered for a prize drawing.
~ The availability of sponsorship opportunities is subject to change. Sponsorship commitments granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
* Designated sponsorship packages include an exhibit booth, two conference registrations and meals ($1,500 value). Limited on-campus housing may be available. Please indicate your interest during registration, and additional details will be emailed to you as they become available.
* Additional registrations can be purchased on an individual basis through exhibitor registration.